Writing a personal narrative was one of the toughest writings I have had to do in a long time. The work itself wasn’t necessarily hard but getting out all the small details I encountered during my traumatic experience and on to paper is what made me have to work harder. After I wrote my shitty first draft, I was concerned. Not only for my grade in the class but I also thought I had lost all my writing skills I had gained throughout my high school experience. I had some peers read it and make simple grammatical corrections but other than that I was on my own until my meeting with Mat. With my conference date approaching I began to worry since this was the first writing he would be reading and overall his first impression of how good of a writer I would be. When I finally got to my conference all my worries went away. Mat gave me suggestions on what to fix and what to leave. Some of the comments he made were regarding the fact that he seemed a little lost and I needed to tie up loose ends. I also needed to create a whole separate scene on why soccer was so great to me so the audience could feel what I lost and why it was such a big part of my life. He gave good tips on how to create this scene, one being a flashback of a specific moment in my soccer career that really stuck out to me, and other being a flashforward to a time after. He told me to add in more details about the actual collision with the goalie, so it makes the audience feel the pain I felt and to point out all the highs and the lows. Since lacrosse was never a dream sport to me, he said to take that whole scene out because it seems like I was just settling for something decent instead of continuing to search for something great. By making the corrections Mat suggested, I am hoping to get a solid grade that will overall lead me to getting an A in this course.